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Blessy is a visual storyteller from Manila. She is passionate about documenting stories and translating them into beautiful moving images that make a difference. Her filmmaking experiences include directing, writing, creative producing, cinematography and editing.


Some of her field notes involve gathering a town of extras in just a few hours in Batangas (PHL), immersion with the tea pickers of the Akha hill tribe in Chiang Rai (TH), running around with the typhoon survivors of Cebu (PHL), following a group of foreigners all over the Philippine archipelago, learning about the divine at the inner kantos of Manila (PH) and enjoying the high-pitched sound of the legendary coppersmiths at work in Tambat Ali, Pune (IN).


She believes in purposeful storytelling, be it in recording within the frame or connecting to people beyond it.


If she's not telling stories, she's probably on the road looking for one.

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